
Reasons You Will Like

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

There are a number of reasons you might want to take a self-defense or martial arts class course like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) . The most obvious, of course, is that you want to be prepared to defend yourself or your family if you’re ever in immediate danger. This isn’t a paranoid assessment – there are real criminals and real dangers out there. Another reason to learn BJJ is that it is an incredible workout! In training BJJ properly you will be challenged both physically and emotionally. 



When you commit to learning Jiu-Jitsu, you’ll be getting into excellent shape. While this is great for your physical health, it’ll also help reduce stress. Through Jiu-Jitsu, you can combat stress, anxiety, and depression by learning how to master your impulses and thoughts. If you feel upset or frustrated after a long day, BJJ is a neutral space where you can quickly forget the stress weighing on your mind as you are sparring or learning new techniques. As you continue training, you will build your confidence and self-esteem, making it easier to overcome challenges and problems that before seemed insurmountable.


Another surprising plus to joining a jiu jitsu academy is the friends you will make. It must be something about rolling around on the ground trying to attack each other that really brings people together. But seriously, Brazilian jiu jitsu is a life-long journey and without even realizing it, we spend months, and then years learning and growing with our teammates. Jiu jitsu extends far beyond the training mat, with people traveling to tournaments together, having potlucks and belt promotions, getting to know one another in-between rolls and techniques. Ask any black belt how long they’ve been training and why they keep training and they’ll tell you it is the people you meet and the friends you make. There is no “jiu jitsu type” and it is common to find people from all walks of life – from professionals such as doctors and lawyers to full-time jiu jitsu athletes to parents and business owners and people from every imaginable background.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

As you continue your journey along the jiu jitsu path, your mind will begin to open as you better understand both techniques and your own body. Like any sport, technique and strategy are keys to success – and Brazilian jiu jitsu is not any different. Many practitioners compare BJJ to a game of chess, and for good reason! Although jiu jitsu is a martial art and therefore very physical, you cannot discount the mental aspect. It is your mind against another’s and each move determines the outcome. Because of this, we must develop our critical thinking and problem solving skills. What will your next move be? How will your opponent react? Like chess, those at a higher belt can think many moves ahead and the key is to build that mind-body connection.

Why is Jiu Jitsu so effective?

BJJ is incredibly effective in fighting conditions. It allows the fighter to take control and most importantly finish the fight without hurting the other person. The technique is so effective that the opponent will either give up or be incapacitated.


The first time you step on the mat at a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy you will immediately be aware of how little the average person knows about basic self-defense and the ineffectiveness of our basic instincts. Not to worry! The fundamentals of jiu jitsu are also the basics of self-defense. It is a common misconception that striking will win out when two people get into a brawl, but in actual altercations, punching is not nearly as effective as closing the distance and controlling your opponent. That is why many law enforcement officers go through specialized programs that were developed from Brazilian jiu jitsu techniques. The reason is because many times, the safest way to diffuse the situation is through BJJ techniques. Of course, the first defense against attack is confidence and knowledge – which you gain and develop as you continue your training.


Carlson Gracie Team is recognized as one of the best grappling teams in the world. We recently opened this past year in San Antonio to change the view of Jiu-Jitsu as a business. To us, it’s not just a business, it’s a lifestyle and every person on the mat is treated with respect. We keep a family-oriented, friendly atmosphere with a close relationship between student and the Professor, who knows each student individually. We are open to beginners, competitors, and hobbyists. We don’t separate classes based on belt color, everyone learns from everyone as it was in the beginning of Jiu Jitsu. Because of this, we are proud to say we are old school and we keep those traditions alive. We have classes every day, Gi and NoGi, come on in and roll with us.